Landing Fees and Charges

Visiting Us...... Want To Pay Online

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All fee must be paid prior to departure

Fuel Prices

AVGAS 100LL is provided from a static tank adjacent to the Control Tower building. AVTUR Jet A1 is provided from a mobile bowser, please phone 07751 566771.

Effective from 1st March 2025.

Fuel Price Total inc VAT
AVGAS 100LL £1.76 £2.11
AVTUR Jet A1 with AL48 £0.93 £0.97

Landing and Circuit Fees

Effective from 1st January 2025.

Fixed Wing Landing Fee
MUAW (Kgs) Charge Total inc 20% VAT
001 - 0600 £16.67 £ 20.00
0601 - 1000 £19.75 £23.70
1001 - 1500 £26.50 £31.80
1501 - 2000 £33.25 £39.90
2001 - 2500 £49.42 £59.30
2501 - 3500 £66.50 £79.80
3501 - 4500 £94.17 £113.00
Above 4501 £192.33 £230.80
Touch and Go
MUAW (Kgs) Charge Total inc 20% VAT

001 - 0600 £8.33 £10.00
0601 - 1000 £9.88 £11.85
1001 - 1500 £13.25 £15.90
1501 - 2000 £16.63 £19.96
2001 - 2500 £24.71 £29.65
2501 - 3500 £33.25 £39.90
3501 - 4500 £47.08 £56.50
Above 4501 £96.17 £115.40
Helicopter Landing Fee Charge Total inc 20% VAT
Single Engine £43.67 £52.40
Multi Engine £96.25 £115.50
Helicopter Airfield Training (per session) Charge Total inc 20% VAT
Single Engine £21.83 £26.20
Multi Engine £48.13 £57.76
Parking Per Night
(fixed-wing and helicopter) Charge Total inc 20% VAT
Single Engine £9.37 £11.24
Multi Engine £19.25 £23.10
Charge Total inc 20% VAT
Out of Hours Movement* £162.17 £194.60

Note 1: Based operators may purchase block landing fees. Details available from Aerodrome Manager.
Note 2: The Out of Hours surcharge applies to aircraft operating outside ATC hours. Flights are not permitted before 0800 hours or after 2200 hours on Sundays. A valid Out of Hours permit is required.